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Program Schedule 
1st Scientific Congress on Noncommunicable

20 - 21 October 2019

Venue: Milton hall and Milon hall, BSMMU

        Day 1:

 20th October

08:30AM - 04:00 PM


Day 2:

21st October

09:00 AM - 09:30 PM


08: 30 AM- 10: 00 AM

 Scientific Session 1:

Hypertension & Cardiovascular Diseases

Scientific Session 2:


09: 00 AM-10: 30 AM 

Scientific Session 5:  Mental Health and Neuro Developmental Disorders  

Scientific Session 6: Stroke and other Neurological Disorders.

10: 00 AM - 11: 00 AM

Inaugural Ceremony

10: 30 AM -11: 00 AM

Tea Break

11: 00 AM- 11: 30 AM

Tea Break

11: 00 AM- 12: 30 PM 

Scientific Session 7 : Chronic Kidney Diseases

Scientific Session 8 : Rheumatology and Muscular Disorders

11: 30 PM- 01: 00 PM

Scientific Session 3:

Prevention of Diabetes in Bangladesh

Scientific Session 4:

Chronic Respiratory Diseases

12: 30 PM- 1: 00 PM

Poster presentation

01: 00 PM - 02: 00 PM

Lunch Break

01: 00 PM- 02: 00 PM

Lunch Break

2: 00 PM- 3: 00 PM

Poster presentation:  

2: 00 PM - 03: 30 PM 

Scientific Session 9:  Evidence of NCD in Bangladesh:  Prevention & Control

3.00 PM - 4.00 PM

Round table discussion: Strengthening primary

care service of NCD in urban setting

03: 30 PM

Tea Break

 04.00 PM 

Tea Break:

07: 00 PM - 09: 30 PM

Closing Ceremony  and Conference Dinner @Dhaka Club, Bangladesh



NCD Congress: Schedule
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